Ah, globalization…

Are you in that camp that believes claims the U.S. is somehow compromised when its citizens exercise the freedom to do business without regard to lines drawn on maps? Well, you’d have a tough time convincing H.J. Heinz’s shareholders. Berkshire Hathaway (aka Warren Buffet) and 3G Capital Management (aka Jorge Lemann, Brazil’s richest man) are paying $72.50 per share (20% above yesterday’s closing price) for the company.

A once U.S.-centric enterprise, Heinz—now with 2/3rds of its business coming from non-U.S. markets (30% of its revenue from emerging nations)—has morphed into a global powerhouse that has succeeded to the point of garnering the affections of an international partnership consisting of two of the world’s wealthiest profit-seekers.

Now where would Heinz, its shareholders, its employees—and don’t forget U.S. tomato farmers—be were it not for international trade? Think about it!

Here’s one of my more popular posts on the topic…


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