If Mitt Romney’s $2+ million investment in three Bain Capital funds that invest in China hurts his prospects come November, he deserves it. How dare he, as an investor, pump capital right into China, while, as a candidate, vow to crack down on its “cheating”! Today’s NY Times cites Bain’s acquisition of a company that, pre-Bain, ran two camshaft manufacturing plants in Michigan—employing 500 people—that now makes them in China. My the hypocrisy!
As an investor he continues to fund enterprises that exploit the freedom to do business wherever they determine is in the best interest of their shareholders and customers. As a candidate, alas, he plays to the consumer’s most pernicious misconception. As a President he’ll surely not (let’s pray) do direct harm to the U.S. consumer, auto manufacturers (think camshafts), and, consequently, the economy by inhibiting our ability to access the goods we desire wherever we can most cost-effectively find them—his portfolio suggests he knows better.
Two lessons below: One on outsourcing and a very short one on subsidies. And click here for the article I reference in the “outsourcing” video…