Don’t let em fool ya… these wannabe-presidents are way rich… And, while running for office, they’re not at all proud to be so… In fact, the richest-of-them-all so doesn’t want you to know his financial worth, nor see his shamefully dismal 15% tax hit, that he’s trying mightily to hold off exposing his tax return till he’s the shoe-in candidate – or until his CPA does 2011, which I’m guessing had less in capital gains than 2010…
God forbid the richest country in the world should be led by a rich dude! No way! We need somebody like us! You know, a blue-collar-type we can relate to… Like Joe from the assembly line… Or Joe the plumber, who got in The President’s face, and put him in his place, a few years ago… Joe can relate!
That’s right, Joe the Plumber for President! All kidding aside, given the characters who’ve occupied the White House the past few terms, good old Joe might be a fine pick…
But here’s my thing… It’s okay to be rich… It’s American to be rich… I’m thinking the President ought to not need the paycheck… I’m thinking the President ought to be someone who’s made it in the private sector, who knows how the puzzle works itself in a free-market… I’m thinking the President does not need to relate to Joe Lunchbucket’s plight… I’m thinking the President needs to relate to how good companies work, how to not over-regulate and tax them, how, in essence, to get government the hell out of their way so they can pay Joe a descent wage and offer him the opportunity to advance…
Seriously: As my man Milton says in this video:“is there one of you who would say you don’t want a doctor to treat you for cancer unless he himself has had cancer?”