“Government is that fiction whereby everybody believes that he can live at the expense of everybody else.” Frederic Bastiat, 19th Century French Economist…
Here are the highlights from Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich’s rant on Friday evening’s edition of CNBC’s Kudlow and Company (Keynesianism at its finest)… And my translations:
DK: “We’ve got to do something about our trade deficit… We’re talking about $550 billion a year; those are jobs out of our country… We’ve got to start bringing work back into this country”…
Translation: We’ve got to do something about our consumers exploiting the opportunity to save money through international trade… They should pay up for U.S.-made goods… I don’t give a rip about the U.S. businesses where they spend that surplus… And forget about those U.S. companies (and the jobs they create) that redeem those U.S. dollars our foreign trading partners are so eager to get their hands on… It’s all bad for our unions!
DK: “And we’ve got to prime the pump of our economy”…
Translation:And we’ve got to borrow, tax and spend more money to keep government growing and our unions going…
DK: “If the Fed can create money out of nothing, with its Quantitative Easing and give it to the banks, or give it to the banks in Europe, why can’t our government claim our constitutional authority to be able to create millions of jobs rebuilding America’s infrastructure… We should be expanding our economy, we should be creating wealth, we should be creating jobs”…
Translation: If the Fed can print money and give it to the banks, why can’t we, through tax-hikes, higher interest rates and inflation, suck even more capital out of the private sector to pay for yet another monster spending bill… We need to open wide(r) the flood gates! I have supporters to support damn it!
DK: “We need to change our thinking about America and create wealth again and get the government involved in it and stimulating the private sector in a way that everybody wins… This whole approach we’re taking right now is a losing approach.”
Translation: We need to change our thinking about America and destroy wealth by getting the government involved and stimulate my supporters in a way that only they win… This whole approach we’re taking isn’t enough… We need bigger government!
Once again:
“Government is that fiction whereby everybody believes that he can live at the expense of everybody else.”