Take a close look at what’s going on in Athens this morning… You can’t help but sympathize… I mean they’re fighting on behalf of their country’s Constitution; which guarantees jobs for life for all state employees… I kid you not…
Now take a look at what’s going on in NYC this morning… You can’t help but sympathize… I mean they’re fighting for the rights the Greeks “enjoy”… I kid you not…
Angling politicians are lining up with sympathy for the Wall Street Occupation Movement… They feel their pain, they understand their frustration… It’s just not fair that some should suffer while others enjoy up-town lives… We need more fairness in this country… We need to distribute that up-town wealth… We need to ensure prosperity for everyone… You know, like Greece…
Sad thing is, as the Greeks have come to learn, as Milton Friedman points out below, nirvana is not for this world…