* Smart investors own the stocks of companies that sell to consumers all over the world…Debt ceiling, double-A+ rating and Italian debt notwithstanding…
* When Apple releases iPhone 5, miles-long lines, all over the world, will form 24 hours in advance…Debt ceiling, double-A+ rating and Italian debt notwithstanding…
* You’re reading this either on a phone or a computer that you purchased within the past three years – i.e., during or immediately following the worst recession since The Great Depression… Not the debt ceiling,the double-A+ rating nor Italian debt will keep you from buying your next…
* You’ll, with no hesitation, buy your next box of Corn Flakes, gallon of gas, ice cream and your next pair of sneakers -Debt ceiling, double-A+ rating and Italian debt notwithstanding…
* Ten years from now you’ll say “in my wildest dreams I couldn’t have fathomed today’s technology”… Debt ceiling, double-A+ rating and Italian debt notwithstanding…
* Ten years from now you’ll be driving a different car…Debt ceiling, double-A+ rating and Italian debt notwithstanding…
* Ten years from now, Apple will look like Intel and Microsoft do today and some other company, now an infant, will dominate the technology space…Debt ceiling, double-A+ rating and Italian debt notwithstanding…
* Ten years from now someone you love’s life will be saved by a miraculous new medical procedure…Debt ceiling, double-A+ rating and Italian debt notwithstanding…
* You know someone who boasts having sold near the recent peak and his/her name is not Warren Buffet… Ask Buffet (wealthier (from buying stocks) than any market-timer on the planet) where the market’s going and he’ll tell you he doesn’t know nor care and that he simply buys the stocks of great businesses and keeps them forever…Debt ceiling, double-A+ rating and Italian debt notwithstanding…
* Two years from now I’ll ask if you remember that week following the downgrade to AA+ rating and you’ll say “huh?”… You barely remember last year’s flash crash (Dow dropped 998 pts intraday on May 6)…
* There’s a world of opportunities within and beyond our borders… The smart investor (you, me and Mr. Buffet) wouldn’t dare missparticipating, even for a moment…Debt ceiling, double-A+ rating and Italian debt notwithstanding…